Student with special educational needs


Reducing the number of hours of rehabilitation and educational activities is possible only in one caseReducing the number of hours of rehabilitation and educational activities is possible only in one case.

The regulations do not provide for the possibility of reducing the number of hours of rehabilitation and educational activities at the request of parents. Even if such a request is supported by a medical certificate and the opinion of teachers. However, when such documents are received at school, the doctor’s instructions should be followed, as is the case for other children and adolescents covered by compulsory schooling.

Check when it is possible to reduce the number of hours of rehabilitation and educational activities.

In the article you will learn, among others:

  • In which case it is possible to reduce the number of hours of rehabilitation and educational activities
  • What to do to reduce the weekly number of hours of revalidation and educational classes
  • What document is needed to be able to reduce the number of hours of classes

Also read:

  • Documenting rehabilitation and educational activities
  • Marzenna Czarnocka 19 November 2021 Education and upbringing
  • A plan to support a student with problems and integrated activities of teachers

The class teacher or the head of the kindergarten informs other teachers, educators of educational groups or specialists about the need to provide the student with psychological and pedagogical help during their ongoing work with the student, if he finds such a need, and in cooperation with teachers, educators of educational groups or specialists, plans and coordinates the assistance psychological and pedagogical as part of integrated activities of teachers, educators of educational groups and specialists, as well as ongoing work with the student.

Structuring of time and space in school

Structuring of time and space – the importance of organizing space in working with an autistic child

A child with autism or Asperger’s Syndrome (and not only that!) Will feel confident and safe in a place with order and a predictable structure. Organizing the school and classroom space will allow the student to move around the facility more efficiently and reduce his anxiety and tension.

Structuring of time and space in schoolThe following article describes the most important issues that are worth paying attention to in the broadly understood physical environment in order to improve the functioning of the student.

In the article you will learn, among others:

  • Why the arrangement of space plays an important role in working with an autistic person
  • How to organize a space in which a student with autism functions
  • What is time structuring, i.e. organizing the schedule of the day


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