Strengthening the monitoring of activities


Additionally, from the ORE website, you can download educational materials in the form of adaptations of textbooks in enlarged print – for partially sighted students attending grades IV-VIII of primary school. There are materials for subjects such as: Polish, mathematics, history, geography, nature, biology, chemistry, physics and social studies.

Materials in the zone of the employee of the Educational Information System

In the Educational Information System employee zone, there are also distance learning materials available for students in grades IV-VIII who have learning and / or communication difficulties, including the deaf, hearing impaired, with intellectual disability, autism and aphasia.

They were prepared on the basis of textbooks currently approved for school use for subjects such as: Polish, mathematics, history, geography, nature, biology, physics, chemistry, and social studies.

The materials are available in the Educational Information System Employee Zone atAfter logging in to the SIO Employee Zone, select the “Materials” -> “Educational materials” tab and accept the regulations.

Materials can be filtered by grade, type, keywords or subject.

All publications can be viewed both online, but can also be downloaded and then printed. They contain appropriate text and graphic adaptations (adapted illustrations, charts, diagrams, etc.), as well as PCS symbols, i.e. graphic signs depicting concepts (supporting people with communication difficulties in understanding the content and participating in the didactic process) and video recordings in Polish sign language (PJM).

Monitoring the organization of education of students with disabilities

Through the school superintendents, who exercise pedagogical supervision over schools and institutions, we constantly monitor the organization of education and support for disabled students in the education system. Schools, including special schools, whose activities have been suspended, are obliged to organize distance learning.

Monitoring the organization of education of students with disabilitiesThe information collected as part of pedagogical supervision shows that 100 percent special schools conducts remote teaching. The way of organizing this education is adjusted to the needs and possibilities of students with disabilities. Teachers and specialists maintain constant telephone contact with the parents of the students. Schools carry out these tasks, among others by:

  • posting work cards, educational tasks and interesting links to websites on the school website,
  • sending worksheets and materials once a week by traditional mail,
  • Daily telephone contact of teachers with parents of students in order to provide them with information about homework using a traditional textbook and exercises,
  • telephone support for students and parents in problems arising during distance learning,
    creating groups on social media portals.

In order to strengthen the implementation of activities addressed to children and young people in need of special support, we sent a letter to school superintendents, in which we emphasize the need to pay attention to distance education of students with disabilities.

In the event of an epidemic threat, parents expect specific help as well as substantive knowledge and skills to take over the tasks of specialists as far as possible. It is necessary to continue the therapy.

In the letter, we asked the probation officers to appeal to the directors of kindergartens, schools and institutions that conduct classes in the field of early child development support, rehabilitation and educational activities, and classes in the so-called specialist revalidation, so that they undergo special pedagogical supervision.


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